Hey there, I'm A. Margot!
An author, educator, and personal development consultant.
If you’re new to me, hey there👋! Though my prayer is that you get to know me for yourself, here is my professional bio/capabilities statement that makes me out to be some big timer in the personal and leadership development industry.
Over the last decade, I have served as a strategic consultant for women leaders in the marketplace, corporate, ministry, and at home.
I have worked as a Strategic Consultant with companies including Comerica Bank, The Obama Foundation, Black Enterprise, Grand Canyon University's Honors College and employees of LinkedIn, Dallas Mavericks, ADP, Toyota, Prudential, and more. I am a former Forbes Business Coach and contributor.
I am the Creator of Seasons of Life™, a bible-based personal development training for women. I also created Profitable Founder®, a program teaching business owners and subject experts how to design partnership campaigns, secure quality partners, and create client retention plans.
I hold a Master’s degree in Theology with an emphasis in Youth and Family Ministry, and are a candidate for my Doctor of Ministry in Organizational Leadership.
Most significantly, I am known as Wife to Vincent, and Mama to E, Lyv, and "Bean".
"Our life experiences do not have to define us. Instead, we can acknowledge them, learn from them, and allow them to serve as stepping stones as we become the women God has predestined us to be."
For far too long we have allowed ourselves to hold on to the stories, memories, and pain linked to the adversity we have faced because we do not know what life is like without clinging to them.
However, when we choose to see that our life experiences, both the good and bad, are only 10% of what we have experienced and 90% of how God has had his hand on us all along, we become more willing to stand in the gap on God’s behalf while helping others learn and see God’s presence in their own lives as well.
This process invites each of us to do the work required to find freedom in Christ (Identity Restoration), break free from strongholds (Personal Development), and grow in spiritual maturity (Spiritual Growth).
Let's take a few steps back so that you have a better idea of the woman (virtually) standing before you today.
I am honored to be stepping (back) into an industry after four (4) years of being afraid to serve and lead women to navigate through challenging life seasons while learning to navigate through significant life transitions of my own.
I sensed the shift was coming in Spring 2021, and it took a period of learning to wait until God’s perfect timing and following HIS lead!
If I’m being transparent, the accolades and accomplishments I shared above allowed me several incredible opportunities.
In addition to being a consultant for several national and international organizations, I was selected to host a workshop for SXSW, generated over $500k in partnerships (in-kind and monetary), hosted 3 annual conferences totaling 600+ attendees, and have served more than 11,000 girls and women.
With ALL of that, something was STILL MISSING!😳
Where was God?
While I believe he allowed all of those opportunities, I really did not “use my platform” to lead others to know and establish a relationship with Christ in a greater way!
Today, I’ve been given a second chance of sorts...
This time, I will not miss the opportunity to introduce people to the one who changed my entire life when I was 15 years old.
Not only will I testify to God redemptive powers, I will use EVERY GIFT and PLATFORM God gives me to introduce people to him, lead women to grow in relationship with him, and I’ll leave this earth known as a “good and faith servant” who was known to lead identities to be restored, women developed, and growing in spiritual maturity around the world.
In this next season, it is time we go after EVERYTHING God has instructed us to go after!
Keep with you the desire and willingness to learn and grow.
A. Margot Blair🤍

I'm committed to the work I do because I love it and
I Believe You Have The Ability To Live The Life God Has Predestined For You!
I know what it’s like to be defined by the adversity you face. I remember the dark valleys where I contemplated whether life was even worth living.
In less than one year, I went from the darkest low of my adult life to becoming a wife, bonus-mama x 2 and pregnant with the boy who would complete our family.
Here’s the honest truth that most fail to share. It was an additional four years before I was able to fully understand the process of surrender, climb out of the darkness, and truly allow God to lead.
It was not fetal position one day and prosperous life the next. It was many days of fetal position, acknowledging and allowing the pruning process to take place. It was challenging and uncomfortable. It was a long, grueling process, and I nearly threw in the towel on several occasions.
But I knew that God had a purpose for me. I knew that if I gave up or took the easy way out, that I would not just be walking away from the life God intended for me.
I would have been walking away from this moment where you are reading this, preparing to take the first, next step on your personal or professional development journey where you no longer have to compartmentalize your faith from your profession.
That, my sister, is something I could NOT interfere with. And so I am here, putting into practice the same principles you will soon learn.

Invite A. Margot Blair to Speak
Planning Your Next Women's Event?
A. Margot Blair is excited to learn more about your organization and team so that, together, you can cultivate a leadership development experience that is more than "just another training."
A. Margot Blair uses her strategic insight to design an insightful and transformative experience that fuses together your company's goals and the unspoken needs of her audience. She invites her participants to take inspired and purposeful action to be all that they are in their careers, their businesses and their lives.

Grab A Copy or Six
We usually pair these books with our speaking engagements or ship them alongside our e-Learning resources.
If you are looking to purchase a single copy of one of these books email, A. Margot Blair, at [email protected]. If you want to order in bulk or sponsor a book, click here.
Ready to take the FIRST next step on your personal or professional journey? I've got you covered!